
Coffee Hour


Coffee Hour

Please contact a Philoptochos member If you or your family is interested in hosting the coffee hour after the Divine Liturgy.

The instructions below serve as a guideline for hosting a coffee hour.

  1. The host is responsible for the following items:
    • Food for at least 80 parishioners (60 in the summer months, when there is no Sunday School)
    • Coffee
    • Juice (2 -3 gallons)
    • Cream or half and half, sugar packets, stir sticks, coffee cups, juice cups, napkins, paper plates, plastic utensils, etc.
    • Decorations, flowers, etc. (if desired)
  2. To prepare coffee:
    • A coffee pot can be found on a black rolling cart in the large storage room next to the kitchen.
    • Fill the coffee maker with water about ¾ full for 75 cups and insert the stem and basket ensuring the stem is centered and resting in the depression at the bottom.
    • Fill the metal basket (no paper filter) with the appropriate amount of coffee (about 1 scoop per 10 cups of coffee).
    • Roll the coffee pot to an area where people can serve themselves. Plug the coffee maker in and ensure the switch is in the on position. It takes about 1/2 hour to fully brew.
  3. Please inform any Philoptochos member, in advance, if you would like to use tablecloths. Dry-cleaning fees may apply. You may bring your own tablecloths if you wish.
  4. Thank you for cleaning up after yourselves! Please make sure all cups, napkins, etc. are properly disposed of. Dump coffee grounds in the garbage and not the sink. Make sure the coffee pot is cleaned and put away.
  5. Please do not leave extra food in the kitchen or fridge.

We thank you for hosting the coffee hour!!

Money basket donations for memorials will be made to charities in memory of your loved one.