Remote Candle Lighting

Remote Candle Lighting

In the Greek Orthodox Church, we use candles to represent the light we receive from Christ and carry out into the world with us as Christians. Now, while we celebrate physically apart but together in spirit, that meaning has additional context. Because of this, we thought it important to have the opportunity to remotely share with each other that we continue to receive the light of Christ, and are symbolically present in Church during the closed-door services necessary in our current environment.

Tall, Thin, Beeswax Candles

Memorial Candles

Please fill out the form below to remotely light candles at the Church. The candles will be lit on . Requests will need to be received before the service is finished.

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  • Step 1

    Please enter your information.

  • Step 2

    Please select the candle(s) you wish to light:

    Tall, Thin, Beeswax Candles (a.k.a. Narthex Candles) $1.00 each
    Memorial Candle - In Front, Placed under Christ $5.00 each
    Memorial Candle - In Front, Placed under the Panayia $5.00 each
    7-Day Memorial Candle - On Soleas, Placed in front of Christ $20.00 each
    7-Day Memorial Candle - On Soleas, Placed in front of the Panayia $20.00 each

    Additional offerings:

    General Donation  
  • Step 3

    Please check the information below to ensure your submission is correct before finalizing the purchase. Use the "BACK" button to fix any mistakes.

    Your Order:

  • Step 4

    Please select one of the methods of payment below.